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This is also a sensitive useful part of the website
We think we should tell you about how to make this place a safe place with our rules and regulations
The below rules are going to help you about rickyxo.waplux.com and this site also:
This is commonly applicable to rickyxo.waplux.com
People use fake accounts to spam, make threats and also spread false news. If caught doing so, user will be banned forever
Violence And Pornography
This is not allowed on both sites, well some contents may be sensitive and may contain sexual content. It may be tolerated but if too much, leads to blocking.
Some users uses rickyxo.waplux.com for adverts, but some have been discovered to be fake and misleading. You may not use our service for existing products or that will be deleted (if lucky) or leading to ban.
Files copy
We use hashtag #rickyxo in files such as games to describe it as our property. Not all of them are ours but we make or modify in a way that could benefit users. Such as cheat games and other apps.
You may only copy or give under the terms of RickyXO
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We will keep you updated with new features and updates.
NOTE: That our rules may change or be added at any time.
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